Newsletter of Carlos Santana - Issue #30
Welcome to my newsletter. Every week, I'll update you on Cloud Native topics in 3 categories News, Assets, and Skills
This week I will be hosting the Kubernetes Office Hours again, this time will be learning about SIG-Docs
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Unveils Schedule for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 | Cloud Native Computing Foundation — Back in-person in Valencia, Spain in May, technology enthusiasts will meet to share and educate around cloud native innovation SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – March 9…
Red Hat co-founded project Knative accepted as CNCF incubating project —
This begins a new chapter in the evolution of a leading containerized serverless platform.
Release v0.12.0 · kubernetes-sigs/kind — Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes - Release v0.12.0 · kubernetes-sigs/kind
Google to Acquire Mandiant | Mandiant — Your description for this link...
Software Supply Chain Security: Tearing Down the Silos – The New Stack — Both application and infrastructure security are required to keep a cloud native system safe. A single solution can integrate both to foil hackers.

Visualising the Cost of Kubernetes | by Mitchell Rowling | Streamotion Tech Blog | Mar, 2022 | Medium — Containerisation is still an emerging technology in many organisations across the world and Here at Streamotion, the adoption of containers has promoted rapid acceleration of our journey of Kayo…
The future of Kubernetes – and why developers should look beyond Kubernetes in 2022 Kubernetes is ubiquitous in container orchestration, and its popularity has yet to weaken. This does, however, not mean that evolution in the container orchestration space is at a stand-still.
Dirty Pipe Linux Vulnerability: Overwriting Files in Container Images CVE-2022-0847 Dirty Pipe in the Linux kernel allows users on Linux hosts running containerized applications to modify files in container images on the host
GitHub - cert-manager/istio-csr: istio-csr is an agent that allows for Istio workload and control plane components to be secured using cert-manager. — istio-csr is an agent that allows for Istio workload and control plane components to be secured using cert-manager. - GitHub - cert-manager/istio-csr: istio-csr is an agent that allows for Istio workload and control plane components to be secured using cert-manager.
Cloud Managed Redpanda | A Kafka alternative — Choose a fully managed solution or bring your own cloud. Pay only for what you use. Infinite data retention. Global read replicas.
tmate • Instant terminal sharing Your description for this link...

Kubernetes Workload Identity with AKS – — When you run a workload, no matter how simple or complex, you often need to access protected resources in both a secure and manageable way. Often, a resource's security is integrated with an identity store. Azure resources, for instance, can be secured with roles assigned to Azure Active Directory (AAD) users, groups, or service principals.…
Join the Monthly Kubernetes Office Hours this Wednesday, March 16th, with hosts @csantanapr and @rawkode
This month is SIG-Docs edition with guest @Divya_Mohan02
See Cloud Native Live: Optimizing Istio with eBPF at CNCF CNCF Online Programs — CNCF CNCF Online Programs presents Cloud Native Live: Optimizing Istio with eBPF | Mar 16, 2022. Find event and ticket information.
Principles & Best practices of REST API Design | by Love Sharma | Dev Genius — This best-practices article intends for developers interested in creating RESTful Web services that provide high reliability and consistency across multiple service suites; following these…