Newsletter of Carlos Santana - Issue #31
I'm back from PTO, went to Orlando and visit Kubernete World, Where all Conditions come True (Eventually 😅)
I'm helping plan KnativeCon and the Kubernetes Contributor Summit for KubeCon EU, I hope to be in Spain during May to finally meet some of my Cloud Native peeps in person.
Kubernetes container runtime CRI-O has make-me-root flaw • The Register — Cr8escape priv-escalation bug opens the door to cluster takeovers
sigstore, the local way — If you've been following the Chainguard blog, you might ask yourself: how do I run the open-source sigstore stack on my machine? While sigstore is often deployed using Kubernetes, it is flexible enough to run nearly anywhere: from a Raspberry Pi to an IBM mainframe. This article will demonstrate how
Senate votes to make daylight saving time permanent — The Senate approved legislation Tuesday that would make daylight saving time permanent in the U.S. starting next year.
Guillaume's Security Notebook In this article, we will explore and test Defender for Containers against a vulnerable environment and see what it can detects or prevent and how we can leverage it to make our Kubernetes workloads safer.
Explore client-go Informer Patterns | by Stefanie Lai | CodeX | Feb, 2022 | Medium — In platform development, our cluster runs operators involving multiple teams and various GCP resources, for querying which we often need to write various code including but not limited to bash…
Open sourcing the Kubernetes security audit | Cloud Native Computing Foundation — Last year, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) began the process of performing and open sourcing third-party security audits for its projects in order…
Want a better DevOps career? Learn the business | GitLab — A better DevOps career starts with a thorough understanding of business. Here's how to get started.
Go 1.18 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
SLSA vs. Software Supply Chain Attacks — Past Attacks and How SLSA Helps
The future of Kubernetes – and why developers should look beyond Kubernetes in 2022 Kubernetes is ubiquitous in container orchestration, and its popularity has yet to weaken. This does, however, not mean that evolution in the container orchestration space is at a stand-still.
Backstage project joins the CNCF Incubator | Cloud Native Computing Foundation — The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept Backstage as a CNCF incubating project. Backstage is an open platform for building developer…
Introduction to Taskfile: a Makefile alternative - DEV Community — Easier and simpler than Makefile. Tagged with automation, make, productivity.
Google Docs update lets you draft emails and send them to Gmail with a click - The Verge — Google is rolling out a new feature in its Docs that’s designed to make it easier to draft emails. It’s accessible via the @ menu in Google Docs.
The biggest data breach fines, penalties, and settlements so far | CSO Online — Hacks and data thefts, enabled by weak security, cover-ups or avoidable mistakes have cost these companies a total of nearly $1.3 billion and counting.
Secure your software supply chain using Sigstore and GitHub actions - Marco Franssen
With the rise of software supply chain attacks it becomes more important to secure our software supply chains.
Tim Seagren on LinkedIn: #sops #git #sigstore | 11 comments — In the past 48 hours, the DoD Platform One Ironbank Pipelines and Operations (POPs) team has made two huge strides forward in the areas of day-to-day operations... 11 comments on LinkedIn
OpenSSL Security Advisory [15 March 2022]
Infinite loop in BN_mod_sqrt() reachable when parsing certificates (CVE-2022-0778)
CDK Day 2022: Call for Speakers/Papers @ — A Cloud Development Kit (CDK) is a developer tool built on the open source Constructs model. We now have multiple CDKs in AWS CDK, CDK for Terraform, ...
GitHub - madhuakula/kubernetes-goat: Kubernetes Goat 🐐 is a "Vulnerable by Design" —
Kubernetes Goat 🐐 is a "Vulnerable by Design" Kubernetes Cluster. Designed to be an intentionally vulnerable cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security 🔐security 🔐
GitHub - kubearmor/KubeArmor: Cloud-native Runtime Security Enforcement System — Cloud-native Runtime Security Enforcement System. Contribute to kubearmor/KubeArmor development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - magnologan/cncf-security-audits: List of all previous CNCF Project's Security Audit Reports — List of all previous CNCF Project's Security Audit Reports - GitHub - magnologan/cncf-security-audits: List of all previous CNCF Project's Security Audit Reports
Releases · go-task/task · GitHub — A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go - Releases · go-task/task
Introducing apko & melange
Research - Linux Foundation — Expert guidance to manage open technology projects and put you on the path to success
Stripe: Equity for employees — Understand the mechanics, decisions, and trade-offs related to issuing equity to employees
Success Story: Cloud Engineer Bootcamp Enables a Music Teacher to Become a DevOps Engineer - Linux Foundation - Training — Michael Rossiter was a long time Linux enthusiast working as a music teacher in the north of England. He had dreamed of a role working in IT, but wasn’t sure...
Learning Go by examples: part 2 - Create an HTTP REST API Server in Go - DEV Community — Serie of article in order to learn Golang language by concrete applications as example. Tagged with go, beginners, api, tutorial.