Welcome to another issue where I'll update you on Cloud Native topics in 3 categories: News, Assets, and Skills.This weekend I finally ran some ethernet cable to by new office upstairs to get a 10x internet performance boost. My wife said if I go up and down the stairs to get snacks I have a better chance to lose some belly fat :-)This weekend I saw the terrible news that a person admired by the developer community was in a terrible car accident. Kent C. Dodds is alive to tell us what happened. Hug your loved ones.PS: Follow me on Twitter 🙏
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Newsletter of Carlos Santana - Issue #25
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Welcome to another issue where I'll update you on Cloud Native topics in 3 categories: News, Assets, and Skills.This weekend I finally ran some ethernet cable to by new office upstairs to get a 10x internet performance boost. My wife said if I go up and down the stairs to get snacks I have a better chance to lose some belly fat :-)This weekend I saw the terrible news that a person admired by the developer community was in a terrible car accident. Kent C. Dodds is alive to tell us what happened. Hug your loved ones.PS: Follow me on Twitter 🙏